Kevin Godley (born
Kevin Michael Godley, 7 October 1945, Lancashire, England) is a British musician and music video director, hes directed for the likes of U2, Keane and Snow Patrol, bands which i love to listen to, hence why the representation of them in his music videos interests me greatly.
My favourite music videos, Kevin has directed are:
1) Keane 'Is it Any Wonder'
In this video i am greatly drawn to the use of a simple set and concept, but the technicalities being very complicated with the whole structure the camera has to be going round on. I like the grading a coloring of the video aswel, as its very simplistic, quite dark with few very bright lights giving a shadowy effect. Aswell as this, the fact it is completely abstract to the song interests me and also i feel, puts mor emphasis on the band themselves, which was good as this was one of Keanes first songs, launching them onto the music market, and so Kevin almost highlights their skill over the concept of the song, with the band pictured playing their instuments alot via the constanlty moving track (as music skill is more valued with this genre.).
2) Snow Patrol 'Crack the Shutters'
Again with this video, it is in black and white, so very simplistic, highlighting the bands musical skill and also in Snow Patrols case, the serenity of their music. I love how kevin focuses in on each of the members value to the band e.g. the guitarists hands strumming and the singers lips, as this, as said before with the Keane video emphasises their music over their style and stripps away the extravogance to show the bands skill. Not only this but the way he focuses in on the lips rather than the eyes greatly intregues me , as it is still very powerful and shows alot of emotion, recognisable by the audience such as biting the lip in sadness etc. The rush of the crowd through where the band is playing is also very interesting, as it almost separates them, possibly showing that his emotions in love are holding him back from being in the race and rush of life sybolised by the people running through. The difference in pace from the people running and the bands movement is also very clever, and as they only come in at the chorus when the beat kicks in more, it symbolises the big rush you get from the song at this moment as well.
3) U2 'The Sweetest Thing'
This video has a very simplistic concept, but the actual arrangements for it are very complicated with the background and the scale of the set needed. I like the way that it has been made to seem very personal as it feels like he is singing to you in the carriage. As well as this it is also quirky and fun with lots going oon in the background and the mnains singer himself doing cute things. I thing it was a good idea to only feature the lead singer, as he is what the band is recognised for, with his glasses etc, and so straight from the outset you know its a U2 song. As the main singer is constantly in a medium close up we can see all his emotion and gestures, and this is very good as although its a quirky video the message of the video is actually very sweet an d this is seen through him. Kevin plays on what every girl wants to happen to them, the idealised relationship, and so this video will have had abeen a big hit with the female fanbase of U2.
From all three videos, i think what has inspired me nmost for my own music video is the simplicity yet quirkyness of them all, and it has shown me that for a music video to be powerful you do not need many gimicks or complications. Looking at his videos has made me understand that different genres of music require different types f music video, and sometimes the most abstract and quirky ideas are themost powerful as they play on visual asthetics and/or idealised reality and i will definitely try to do both or either in my music video project.